Media Theory Reading List -- Kasia Houlihan

Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, Inc. 1981.

Barthes, Roland. The Fashion System.

Bates, Brian and John Cleese. The Human Face. London: Butler & Tanner Limited, 2001.

Benjamin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," contained in
Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books, 1969; pages 217-251.

Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1972.

Billeter, Erika. Self-Portrait in the Age of Photography: Photographers reflecting their own image. Switzerland: 1985.

Guffman, Erving. Presentation of the Self in Everyday Life.

Hines, Babbette. photobooth. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2002.

McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1964.

Mitchell, W. J. T. "Representation," in Critical Terms for Literary Study ed. Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.

Rugg, Linda Haverty. Picturing Ourselves: Photography & Autobiography. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Sobieszek, Robert A. Ghost in the Shell : Photography and the Human Soul, 1850-2000: Essays on Camera Portraiture. Los Angeles : Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Cambridge, Mass : MIT Press, c1999.

Sontag, Susan. Regarding the Pain of Others.

Sontag, Susan. On Photography. New York: Penguin Books, 1971.

Squiers, Carol. The Critical Image: Essays on Contemporary Photography. Seattle: Bay Press, 1990.

Thompson, Jerry L. Truth and Photography: Notes on Looking and Photographing. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2003.

Weiermair, Peter. Portraits: The portrait in Contemporary Photography. Germany: Edition Stemmle, 1994.

Williams, Raymond. "From Medium to Social Practice," Oxford University Press, 1997.

Artists of Current Interest
Sally Mann
Cindy Sherman
Lorna Simpson
Jack Pierson
Lauren Greenfield
Richard Avedon
Andy Warhol
Roger Mapplethorpe
EJ Bellocq
Nan Goldin
Diane Arbus
Irving Penn
Garry Winogrand
Dawoud Bey
Walker Evans
Bill Viola
Jeff Wall
Philip-Lorca di Corcia

Films of Current Interest
Bamboozled (Spike Lee)
Waking Life
waking the dead
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
In America (Jim Sheridan)